3 Ways Disc Golfers Can Stop Elbow Pain Naturally

Disc golfers are no stranger to injury. In fact, over 81% of disc golfers report getting injured at least once while playing disc golf.

The most common injuries for disc golfers? Elbow pain, muscle strain, and tendonitis.

The good news is that you don’t have to let elbow pain or an elbow injury prevent you from playing the sports you love. Here we’ll share some simple tips to heal your elbow injuries faster so you can get back on the field.

Disc Golf and Elbow Injuries

With so much importance on the throwing technique in disc golf, it’s no surprise that elbow injuries and strains are one of the most common injuries.

So, what’s the cause of elbow injuries? In most cases, an angry, inflamed tendon is at the root of the problem.

Tendonitis develops with excess wear and tear on the tendon that hinges and moves the elbow back and forth. The tendons become weakened, strained, and less elastic than usual. Elbow tendonitis can cause soreness, pain, and irritation anywhere near the elbow joint. Pain can range from mild to excruciating when you try to throw the disc.

Elbow pain tends to be most common in disc golfers who throw side-arm or forehand, but it’s possible in any athlete who overuses, overextends, or overexerts their throwing arm.

3 Ways to Stop Elbow Pain and Heal Injuries Naturally

  1. Sports Massage

    Massage is a great way to encourage faster healing for the entire arm. Sports massage therapists can pinpoint adhesions, weak spots, or trigger points near the elbow that could be contributing to your pain. Massage also helps to clear away inflammation and flush the injured area with healthy blood circulation for faster healing.

  1. Stretching Exercises

    Tendons that are tight and brittle are likely to get injured. Restore the natural elasticity to your elbow tendons, improve your mobility, and prevent future injuries with a daily stretch. Try elbow exercises that stretch both the elbow and the wrists and shoulders. You should feel some tension during these exercises, but stop before you feel pain.

  2. CBD Gel

    For disc golfers who want to stop pain and get back to playing fast, CBD gel can help. Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel was designed to help you clear the inflammation and pain from injuries like elbow tendonitis. Apply your CBD gel to the elbow and other areas that contribute to elbow pain (like the shoulder, biceps, and wrist). Use the gel consistently as your injury heals, then continue to use it before you step out to play disc golf to prevent future elbow injuries.

Don’t Let Elbow Pain Stop You

Pain may be part of an active life, but it doesn’t have to keep you from excelling at the sports you love.

If you’re a competitive disc golfer who wants to rise above the competition, you’ll need a way to keep your throwing elbow in tip-top shape. Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel helps you heal injuries fast, relieve pain, and protect your elbow from future injury. 

Don’t let pain stop you. Get Unstoppable today!