
Hemp Extract

Hemp extract is a concentrated form of the hemp plant. While it is related to the cannabis plant, it is not the same. Our CBD won’t get you high, but it will get you healthy. 

Benefits: Relief, Rest & Digest


MCT oil is a dietary supplement popular among athletes for its ability to increase energy and control appetite. This oil is easily digested and can be used as quickly, readily available fuel for the body. 

Benefits: Energy Boost, Increase Metabolism

Our Philosophy

We believe in a world that utilizes the power in plants for sustained health and wellness. 

We support a future where relief is so accessible and convenient that people approach their health from new angles – they’re proactive, consistent, and focused on finding natural remedies.

A.M. and P.M. Formula Ingredients

Hemp Extract (Aerial Parts)

What is Hemp Extract?

Hemp extract is a concentrated form of the hemp plant. While it is related to the cannabis plant, it is not the same. Hemp has a high level of cannabidiol compounds (CBD) like cannabis, but low levels of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  

In Unstoppable products, we use hemp oil that contains only aerial parts of the hemp plant (the parts that are completely exposed to air, including the leaves, flowers, and stems). This is because the aerial parts have the highest concentration of beneficial nutrients, cannabinoids, and terpenes.

Benefits of Hemp Extract

Most of hemp extract’s benefits come from its concentration of cannabidiol compounds, or CBD:

  • Relieves pain. Studies show that hemp extract may reduce inflammation and pain in the joints with little to no side effects.
  • Reduces anxiety and depression. Hemp extract mimics the effects of serotonin in the brain by binding to the receptors that regulate mood, sleep, and appetite. Studies show that this may lead to reduced rates of depression and anxiety.
  • Improves skin quality. Hemp extract has positive effects on the skin, especially for inflammatory conditions like acne.
  • Reduces seizures. One of hemp extracts earliest and most researched benefits is its ability to reduce seizuresin those with epilepsy.

What is Hemp Extract Used For?

Hemp extract has become a popular natural medicinal for a range of health conditions, including pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, and skin conditions.

We use aerial hemp extract in both our CBD tinctures: AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD and PM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD. In these formulations, the hemp extract provides pain relief and balances the nervous system. 

Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil

What is MCT Oil?

MCT oil is a dietary supplement popular among athletes for its ability to increase energy and control appetite. It is found most commonly in coconut oils, but can also be found in palm and other dietary sources. 

MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride. These medium-length chains of fatty acids are more easily digested than the long chains of fatty acids found in foods like fatty fish, olive oil, nuts, and avocados. MCT oil can therefore be used as quickly, readily available fuel for the body. 

While MCT oil is often made from coconut oil, it’s not the same. Coconut oil contains other types of fatty acid chains and doesn’t have the same range of benefits as pure MCT oil. 

Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT oil has a wide range of potential benefits for any athlete or active individual. 

  • Boosts energy. MCTs are digested quickly by the body, and can enter the cells as energy without having to be broken down by bile. This provides a reliable boost of energy and fuel, especially before a workout. MCTs can also pass through the blood-brain barrier and offer a quick source of energy for your brain cells.
  • Promotes weight loss. MCT oil has great potential as a weight loss aid. Along with containing 10% fewer caloriesthan long-chain triglyceride fats, studies also show a few other reasons why MCT oil may help promote weight loss and encourage healthy weight management. First, MCT oil helps you feel fuller faster. It releases two hormones – peptide YY and leptin – which control your satiety and appetite. Studies show that those who consume MCT oil at breakfast tend to eat less food later in the day, compared to those who take coconut oil or no oils. Those who use MCT oil also notice a reduction in their weight and waist circumference, which suggests that MCT oil encourages weight loss.
  • Increases fat metabolism. MCT oil may also encourage fat metabolism. MCTs are broken down into ketones by the liver, which can then be burned instead of sugar for energy. MCT oil is often used by those on a ketogenic diet, to keep the body in the fat-burning state of ketosis.
  • Reduces lactic acid build-up. After a workout, lactic acid builds up in your muscles. This is what causes that dreaded muscle soreness that negatively impacts your ability to keep training at a high level. Studies show that those who take MCT oil before working out had lower lactate levels and reduced soreness.
  • Helps manage diabetes. MCT oil helps your body burn more fat, which in turn can help manage blood sugar levelsfor those with diabetes. Studies show that people with diabetes who took MCT oil daily had weight loss, reduced waist circumference, and reduced insulin resistance.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease. The risk of heart disease is closely linked to obesity. Since MCT oil supports healthy weight management, it can also support your heart health. Studies show that taking MCT oil also reduces LDL “bad” cholesterol levels up to 12.5% while increasing the production of HDL, the “good” cholesterol that protects the heart. Other studies suggest that MCT oil supports the heart by keeping inflammation levels at bay. 

What is MCT Oil Used For?

MCT oil is most commonly used by athletes and active individuals who want to increase their energy and improve their performance. It is also used by those who are following a ketogenic diet to support the body’s fat-burning processes. It is also popular among people who are managing diabetes, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s disease. 

We include MCT oil in Unstoppable’s AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD and PM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD to help support your recovery, energy, and performance.


What is Terpinolene?

Terpinolene is one of the cannabis plant’s 200 terpenes. Terpenes are natural chemical compounds that have protective effects and fragrant aromas. The unique combination of terpenes in a cannabis plant is what gives each strain its different flavors and medicinal benefits.

Terpinolene is found in many cannabis strains, but usually in small amounts. Unlike other terpenes that have a distinct flavor profile, terpinolene is multidimensional. You’ll notice floral, pine, herbaceous, and citrus notes. It is also found in plants like nutmeg, cumin, apples, tea tree, and lilac.

Benefits of Terpinolene

Terpinolene is said to have a fresh aroma and uplifting effect on the mind. Here are a few of its potential benefits: 

  • Calms and uplifts the mind. Some studies suggest that terpinolene can help calm the nervous system to reduce issues like restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety.
  • Supports the immune system. Studies show that terpinolene has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. This is why it is a popular ingredient in many soaps and cleansing products. Within the body, this terpene may support the immune system and the fight against microbes. 

What is Terpinolene Used For?

Because terpinolene has such an uplifting and fresh profile, it is often used in soaps, perfumes, and other personal care products. 

You’ll find terpinolene in both our AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD and PM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD. In these tinctures, terpinolene helps calms the nervous system and supports whole body health.

A.M. Formula Only Ingredients


What is Pinene?

Pinene is an aromatic terpene found in pine trees, rosemary, basil, orange peels, and cannabis plants. Terpenes are natural chemical compounds that give plants their unique flavors, scents, colors, and range of effects. Even within the cannabis species, different compositions of terpenes will give each plant a unique flavor.

Studies show that the pinene terpene offers a vibrant pine-like aroma and has powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, among other benefits.

Benefits of Pinene

Terpenes like pinene are fragrant oils that give plants protective and adaptive properties. Now, research shows that they can help humans thrive, too. Here are some of the potential benefits of pinene:

  • Reduces inflammation and pain.The cannabis plant contains many compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and pinene is one of them. Studies show that pinene has a particularly powerful anti-inflammatory effect on chondrocytes, or cartilage cells. Here, pinene inhibits the compounds that cause inflammation to help manage painful conditions like osteoarthritis.
  • Opens the airways. Pinene’s clarifying and invigorating scent is a natural way to reduce congestion and open the airways. While it has been studied as a remedy for issues like asthma and allergic rhinitis, its effects may also help athletes improve their lung capacity and oxygenation.
  • Relieves anxiety. Pinene and other terpenes have been studied for their potential to support brain health. The research suggests that pinene may help reduce anxiety and support more balanced moods.

What is Pinene Used For?

Pinene is commonly used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. We use pinene in Unstoppable’s AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD for its invigorating and calming effects. Pinene helps to boost energy, reduce inflammation and pain, and encourage focus throughout the day.


What is Eucalyptol?

Eucalyptol, also called cineole, is a terpene most commonly found in eucalyptus trees. But, this compound is also found in the cannabis plant, bay leaves, tea tree, and sage. 
Terpenes are natural chemical compounds that give plants their unique flavors, aromas, and medicinal effects. The eucalyptol terpene has an unmistakable minty, cooling fragrance that has been used in aromatherapy, personal care products, and supplements.

Benefits of Eucalyptol

Eucalyptol is cooling, clearing, and calming. Its range of medicinal benefits have made it a popular ingredient for self-care and natural medicinal products. 

  • Relieves pain and inflammation.Like many terpenes, eucalyptol is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. As a result, it may offer natural pain relief. Studies show that eucalyptol can successfully relieve inflammatory pain (like arthritis) as well as postoperative pain.
  • Improves cognitive function. Eucalyptol can increase mental acuity and cognition. One study showed that dementia patients who took eucalyptol showed improved signs of brain function and scored better on the Dementia Behavior Disturbance Scale.
  • Supports respiratory health. Eucalyptol has long been used as a natural remedy for sinus infections and allergies due to its congestion-clearing and antimicrobial properties. Some studies suggest that it can also help improve asthma. For the athlete, eucalyptol may improve performance by clearing the airways for deeper breathing.
  • Helps manage chronic disease. Studies show that eucalyptol can play a supportive role for those who are managing chronic diseases like heart disease and dementia. Researchers believe this is due to eucalyptol’s anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

What is Eucalyptol Used For?

Eucalyptol is a commonly used ingredient in wellness products, from soaps and bath salts to pain relief creams and supplements. 

Eucalyptol is an ingredient in Unstoppable’s AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD for its ability to relieve inflammation and stimulate the brain.

 Wild Orange Essential Oil

What is Wild Orange Essential Oil?

Essential oils are the concentrated volatile oils that are extracted from a plant. Wild orange essential oil comes from the extract of the rind of the wild sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). Orange oil has a bright and refreshing scent that makes it one of the most versatile essential oils available. 

Benefits of Wild Orange Essential Oil

Wild orange essential oil is a versatile oil with many benefits and potential uses. Here are some of the most common reasons people choose to use wild orange essential oil in their daily lives: 

  • Relieves pain.While some essential oils may help increase circulation or clear inflammation to relieve pain, orange essential oil changes our perception of pain. Researchers believe orange essential oil eases stress and the pain response so we experience our pain as less severe.
  • Enhances exercise performance.Orange essential oil may help you be a better athlete. In one study, athletes who inhaled orange essential oil had faster running times and increased lung capacity. 
  • Improves mood and relieves anxiety.Orange oil (and many other citrus essential oils) is known for calming anxiety and lifting depression. To test this benefit, researchers looked at the effect this oil had on children stressed by having to go to the dentist. Children who were given orange oil aromatherapy before their visit had remarkably lower heart rates and stress hormone levels than the children who did not. Orange essential oil helps adults overcome anxiety, too. One study showed that women in labor who inhaled orange essential oil reported less anxiety than those who did not.
  • Has antimicrobial properties.Citrus oils are well-known for their antimicrobial properties. Studies show that orange essential oil can stop bacterial and fungal growth, even in resistant strains.

What is Wild Orange Essential Oil Used For?

Wild orange essential oil is often used in aromatherapy to enhance mood and alleviate stress or depression. It is also commonly used in natural cleaning and personal care products. 

We chose to include wild orange essential oil in our AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD because of its sunny scent and many health benefits. Like a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice perks you up in the morning, our AM Tincture with wild orange essential oil helps boost your mood and energy so you’re ready to take on the day.

Peppermint Essential Oil

What is Peppermint Essential Oil?

Peppermint is more than a flavorful herb. It is a powerful natural medicinal, especially when used in its concentrated form – peppermint essential oil. 

Peppermint essential oil is extracted from peppermint leaves and has a potent minty, cooling aroma. It gets its flavor from two key compounds: menthol and menthone.

Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil

Beyond smelling great, peppermint oil has a long list of potential health benefits. Here are a few of the ways peppermint essential oil can help you: 

  • Relieves pain and tension. Peppermint oil is well-known for easing stress headaches and eye strain. Research shows that it can also relieve other types of pain. The menthol in peppermint essential oil increases circulation and has a natural analgesic effect, which makes it effective in relieving muscle pain and tension. 
  • Improves attention and memory. Studies show that taking or inhaling peppermint essential oil has a positive effect on your brain. It can enhance your ability to store memories and improves your overall focus and attention.  
  • Benefits the digestive system. Peppermint has been used for centuries to ease gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation. Researchers believe this is because peppermint oil relaxes the smooth muscle of the GI tract and has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Peppermint essential oil may also support a healthy and diverse gut microbiome. 

What is Peppermint Essential Oil Used For?

Peppermint essential oil is one of the most widely used essential oils. Many people keep it in their natural medicine cabinets to ease upset stomachs, nausea, headaches, sinus congestion, and toothaches. It can also be applied to the skin to relieve itching and muscle aches, or in oral rinses for fresh breath.

Peppermint oil can also be diffused into the air as aromatherapy to relieve stress and tension, or fight brain fog and awaken the mind. Peppermint oil is an ingredient in Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel to enhance pain relief and cool inflammation.

Peppermint’s ability to enhance focus is one of the key reasons we include peppermint essential oil in our AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD.


What is Pulegone?

Cannabis contains hundreds of different plant compounds, including 200 different types of terpenes. Terpenes are natural chemical compounds that give certain plants like cannabis, herbs, and citrus their varied flavors, scents, colors, and range of effects. Even within the cannabis species, different compositions of terpenes will give each plant a unique flavor. 

Pulegone is one of the therapeutic terpenes found in the cannabis plant and other herbs like peppermint, rosemary, and catnip. 

Benefits of Pulegone

Pulegone is believed to have positive therapeutic effects on the mind and body and is mostly known for its relaxing and sedative effects. Both scientific research and anecdotal evidence suggest pulegone may have the following benefits:

  • Relieves pain. Pulegone has been shown to act as a natural analgesic, similar to menthol. It reduces pain and inflammation, especially for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Promotes relaxation. Pulegone may be effective in promoting a general sense of relaxation, while reducing anxiety and depression.

What is Pulegone Used For?

Pulegone and other terpenes are most commonly used to enhance aroma, flavor, and therapeutic effects. 

You’ll find this ingredient in our AM Tincture: Focus + Endurance 1000MG CBD. We chose to include pulegone because it encourages the relaxed, focused state you need to take on the day. It also enhances the effects of the other ingredients in our formula, giving us the most effective natural way to support your mind and body.

P.M. Formula Only Ingredients


What is Myrcene?

Myrcene is a specific type of terpene – natural chemicals that give plants their unique fragrance, taste, and health properties. It is one of the most common terpenes found in the cannabis plant and gives it a spicy, peppery smell. Along with cannabis, myrcene is also found in plants like thyme, mango, lemongrass, and hops. Myrcene is best known for its calming effects.

Benefits of Myrcene

Like other terpenes, myrcene has several potential health benefits that stem from its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Promotes relaxation and sleep.
    Plants that contain myrcene (like cannabis and lemongrass) have been used by traditional medical systems as natural sleep aids for centuries. This compound is part of what makes certain CBD products helpful for anxiety and insomnia.
  • Relaxes the muscles.
    In addition to relaxing the mind, myrcene may also help relax tight muscles. Studies show that it can act as a muscle relaxant in high doses, and may help ease tightness and tension even at lower doses.
  • Relieves pain and inflammation. 
    Myrcene may play an important role in pain relief. Some studies show that myrcene increases the body’s natural production of opioid chemicals. Other studies show that this terpene has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which also help to reduce pain and soreness. 

What is Myrcene Used For?

Myrcene is mainly used in supplements for its calming effects and can help to encourage healthy sleep patterns and reduce anxiety. For these reasons, we include it in our PM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD formula to help you enjoy more restorative, restful sleep.


What is Linalool?

Linalool is a common terpene found in flowers and herbs, like cannabis. It has an intense lavender-like aroma and gives cannabis its floral, spicy, woody scent. Linalool is also found in citrus plants, mint, basil, coriander, cinnamon, and several other plant varieties.

Benefits of Linalool

Terpenes like linalool are protective plant compounds that give a plant its unique smell and taste. Since they are usually antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, they also offer many health benefits.

  • Relieves anxiety. 
    Linalool is well-known for having a calming effect. Studies show that it can significantly reduce anxiety and stress levels, as well as promote sleep. This is likely due to linalool’s ability to lower the stress hormone cortisol and increase “feel-good” serotonin. This terpene may be particularly helpful for those who struggle with insomnia due to nighttime anxiety or racing thoughts.
  • Reduces inflammation and pain. 
    Linalool has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that help to relieve pain. Researchshows that using linalool also helps alleviate pain by increasing the body’s adenosine levels, which blocks pain signals from entering the brain. In one study, patients who were undergoing surgery were given a vaporized form of linalool. Afterward, this group used 50% less morphine to relieve pain after their operations than the control group who were not exposed to linalool. 

What is Linalool Used For?

Linalool’s aromatic smell and flavor make it a choice ingredient in many foods and personal care products. As does its ability to calm the mind. Unstoppable’sPM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD contains linalool to promote relaxation and restful sleep so your body can heal.

Lavender Essential Oil

What is Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils used in aromatherapy. It is distilled from the lavender plant, Lavandula angustifolia, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, detoxifying, and analgesic properties.

Along with being a popular choice for aromatherapy, lavender essential oil is also used topically and orally. It can be found in a wide range of supplements, fragrances, and personal care products.

Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is well known for its ability to calm the mind and promote relaxation. But it has many other potential uses as well:

  • Reduces inflammation.
    Lavender essential oil has potent anti-inflammatory effects. Studies show that this essential oil slows or stops the inflammatory process by reducing proinflammatory cytokines and histamine. On the skin, this effect helps reduce symptoms like itching or infections; in the rest of the body, it may play a role in pain relief and gastrointestinal health.
  • Relieves pain.
    Studies suggest that lavender essential oil is an effective complementary remedy for chronic pain, post-operative pain, internal pain, headaches, and other painful conditions.
  • Calms anxiety.
    Lavender is perhaps best known for being a stress-relieving oil and mild sedative. Along with centuries worth of anecdotal evidence, research proves that lavender effectively reduces feelings of anxiety and high stress – even in tense situations.
  • Improves the skin. 
    Lavender’s antimicrobial and antifungal properties make it an effective natural remedy for skin conditions like acne, eczema, uneven skin tone, and wrinkles. It is also known to speed up wound healing and prevent infection. 

What is Lavender Essential Oil Used For?

Lavender is a versatile essential oil. Its benefits make it a useful potential therapy for pain, mood disorders, skin conditions, and to promote general wellbeing. 

Including lavender essential in our PM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD gives this tincture an enhanced restorative effect. Lavender essential oil promotes a deep sense of relaxation, while also addressing pain or inflammation while you sleep.

Chamomile Extract

What is Chamomile Extract

Chamomile extract is distilled from the flowers of the chamomile plant, a relative of daisies. There are two different types of chamomile: Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and German chamomile (Chamomilla recutita). While the two varieties look similar, their chemical compositions vary slightly. Researchers find that German chamomile contains more of the active ingredient chamazulene, which gives this chamomile oil or extract a blue hue.

Benefits of Chamomile Extract 

 Just like chamomile tea, chamomile extract is used for its calming and gentle sedative effects.

  • Promotes restful sleep. 
    Chamomile’s biggest claim to fame is as a natural sleep aid. Home remedies for insomnia and troubled sleep often contain either dried chamomile tea, chamomile essential oil, or chamomile extract. Studies support this claim, showing that those who take chamomile extract experience better sleep quality than those who do not.
  • Calms anxiety and depression. 
    Essential oils like lavender and chamomile are known to help relieve tension. Now, research shows that it has a significant impact on chronic stress and generalized anxiety disorder, as well. Along with feeling more relaxed, chamomile oil can help reduce your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Other studies show that chamomile also helps regulate emotions and reduce feelings of depression.
  • Supports the digestive system. 
    Chamomile relaxes the digestive tract as well as the mind. Studies show that chamomile extract can be used to reduce smooth muscle spasms in the gastrointestinal tract to relieve discomfort in conditions like IBS. This effect may also help the nervous system stay in the relaxed “rest and digest” (or parasympathetic) mode. 

What is Chamomile Extract Used For?

Chamomile is most commonly used to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and stomach upset. 

Unstoppable’s PM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD is designed to help you get a good night’s sleep while your body restores itself. We include chamomile extract to ease any leftover tension from the day and lull the mind and body into a peaceful sleep.

Sandalwood Essential Oil

What is Sandalwood Essential Oil?

Sandalwood essential oil is a beloved essential oil used around the world. Sandalwood essential oil comes from the sandalwood tree, Santalum album. It is revered as one of the most precious trees in the world and has been used in alternative medicine and religious ceremonies for centuries. 

Benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil

While you can often find sandalwood flavoring many soaps, candles, and incense, it also has an impressive range of health benefits. 

  • Has anti-inflammatory properties. 
    Sandalwood has been used in traditional medical systems for centuries to treat conditions like the common cold, digestive upset, liver and gallbladder issues, urinary tract infections, skin infections, and more. Research shows that this could be because sandalwood has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Compounds in sandalwood (santalols) act like NSAID medications by blocking inflammatory markers like cytokines.
  • Relieves anxiety. 
    Sandalwood has a calming effect on the mind and may help to relieve stress and anxiety. In one study, women who inhaled sandalwood before a biopsy procedure reported feeling less anxious than before they were given the aromatherapy. Another study looked at more objective measures of anxiety – blood pressure and cortisol levels. In this trial, researchers found that people who inhaled sandalwood essential oil had lower blood pressure and reduced cortisol levels compared to those who were not exposed to sandalwood.
  • Promotes mental clarity. 
    There’s a reason many religious ceremonies use sandalwood incense or oil – it is thought to clear the mind for meditation, prayer, and other rituals. Research confirms this idea, showing that the main chemical compound in sandalwood (alpha-santalol) does increase focus and improves mood. 

What is Sandalwood Essential Oil Used For?

Sandalwood’s earthy fragrance is one of the most popular scents used for healing in aromatherapy and traditional medical systems (like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine). Sandalwood also has a deep spiritual significance in several religions around the world.

In medicine, sandalwood is mostly used to treat infections, respiratory conditions, inflammation, stress, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

Sandalwood oil gives Unstoppable’s PM Tincture: Rest + Recovery 1000MG CBD a calming and grounding effect. 

Sports Roll on Gel Formula Ingredients

  • PCR Hemp Oil (CBD)
  • Organic Aloe Leaf Juice
  • Meadowfoam Seed Oil
  • Menthol Crystals
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • Capsicum Fruit Oleoresin
  • While Camphor Bark Oil
  • Sweet Basil Leaf Oil
  • Black Pepper Oil
Roman Chamomile Flower Oil

What is Roman Chamomile Flower Oil?

Roman chamomile oil was one of the first essential oils used in aromatherapy, dating back at least 2000 years. Roman chamomile oil comes from the Chamaemelum nobile plant and is slightly different from German chamomile, although both have similar medicinal properties. Roman chamomile has a gentle scent that smells like apples and relaxes the mind.

Benefits of Roman Chamomile Flower Oil

The ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians all used Roman chamomile oil as a natural remedy for a range of health issues. Here is what modern science says about the benefits of roman chamomile oil:

  • Relieves pain. 
    When applied to the skin, Roman chamomile essential oil has been shown to relieve aches and pains associated with issues like osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Other studies show it may also be used to ease stress-related tension and migraine headaches.
  • Heals the skin. 
    Roman chamomile oil has anti-inflammatory benefits and is often used to heal skin irritations (like atopic dermatitis), improve wound healing, and promote youthful-looking skin.
  • Eases gastrointestinal symptoms. 
    From issues like indigestion to nausea and acid reflux, there are several digestive issuesthat improve with the use of Roman chamomile oil.
  • Promotes sleep and relaxation. 
    When taken internally, Roman chamomile extract and oil can help improve sleep, calm stress, and relax the body.

What is Roman Chamomile Flower Oil Used For?

Like many essential oils, Roman chamomile flower oil is quite versatile. It can be used internally as an extract for digestive upset or in a diffuser for stress relief and insomnia. It is also commonly used topically in massage oils, lotions, or compresses.

For pain relief, Roman chamomile oil is best used topically, directly over an achy area. Roman chamomile oil’s ability to ease pain (especially joint and muscle pain) makes it a useful natural addition to our pain-relieving Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel.

German Chamomile Flower Oil

What is German Chamomile Flower Oil

German chamomile oil is derived from chamomile flowers. It is also known as Blue Chamomile, due to its deep blue colorwhich comes from a higher concentration of the active ingredient chamazulene. Like Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), German chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) has many powerful plant compounds and health benefits.

Benefits of German Chamomile Flower Oil

German Chamomile oil is best known as a gentle anti-inflammatory remedy. Here are some of its most valuable health benefits: 

  • Reduces pain and inflammatory conditions.
    German chamomile flower oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory oil. This property makes it a useful oil for nearly any pain condition, especially those that are inflammatory in nature (this pain tends to feel hot and “angry”). Its anti-inflammatory properties has been proven to help with knee osteoarthritis.
  • Calms the skin.
    German chamomile flower oil can be used to reduce inflammatory skin conditions like allergies, rashes, burns, sores, eczema, and other irritating skin conditions.
  • Eases stress and anxiety. 
    Like its soothing blue color, German chamomile flower oil has a calming and balancing effect on the brain. It can be used to help reduce irritability, anxiety, stress, and mental tension.
  • Eases gastrointestinal issues.
    From minor issues such as stomachache to more inhibiting issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, German chamomile oil has been shown to ease gastrointestinal issues.

What is German Chamomile Flower Oil Used For?

German chamomile flower oil is most often used in topical skin care products and pain relieving products. When applied topically, it is a proven pain-relief for achy joints, specifically knee osteoarthritis. You can use our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel to improve your muscle and joint function and mobility.

Cinnamon Leaf Oil

What is Cinnamon Leaf Oil?

Cinnamon leaf oil is derived from the leaves of the cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum cassia) and is known for its distinctive sweet fragrance. The cinnamon leaf contains a number of vital oils and other derivatives, such as cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate.

The cinnamon tree has been called the ‘eternal tree of medicine’ due to the many health benefits of both its leaves and bark.

Benefits of Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Cinnamon leaf oil has a range of everyday uses as well as powerful health benefits.

  • Has anti-inflammatory properties.
    Several studies have indicated the anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon leaf oil. When applied to the skin as part of a tested topical formula, cinnamon leaf oil can help reduce pain and swelling in muscles and joints.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
    Studies show that cinnamon leaf oil has an antimicrobial effect against certain strains of bacteria, including Psuedomonas aureginos – a drug-resistant bacteria with potentially life-threatening effects.
  • Enhances mood.
    Cinnamon leaf oil is a popular choice for at-home aromatherapy treatments. When diffused or spritzed, Cinnamon leaf oil has been shown to reduce depression and anxiety and improve sleep.

What is Cinnamon Leaf Oil Used For?

Cinnamon leaf oil has a wide range of uses, from cooking and cosmetics to health and wellness applications. It is also found in our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel which you can use to help reduce swelling and inflammation to improve your recovery.

Citronella Oil

What is Citronella Oil?

Citronella is a floral, citrus-like essential oil made from the distillation of the Asian grass plant Cymbpogon. Its name comes from the French word for “lemon balm” and has been used in China and Indonesia for centuries to treat a raft of skin conditions.

Benefits of Citronella Oil

Citronella oil has been used since ancient times with many medicinal applications. It is best known for being a strong insect repellent providing mosquito protection for up to 3 hours once applied. Beyond insect repellent, there are a number of other wellness applications for citronella oil.

  • Accelerated wound healing.
    2016 study showed that Citronella oil may help with speeding up wound-healing, as well as having an anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effect on recent wounds.
  • Eases orthopedic pain. 
    Citronella oil contains multiple detoxifying properties, meaning that it is useful in healing orthopedic problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and sports injuries.
  • Relieves mental fatigue. 
    Citronella oil has been shown to be an effective antidepressant, helping to alleviate symptoms of depression and boost your mood.  

What is Citronella Oil Used For?

Citronella oil is one of the most versatile citrus oils. From keeping insects at bay to acting as an active ingredient in natural shampoo and skincare products, this oil can be used for a wide range of healing and self-care practices. 

In our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel, citronella is used to ease orthopedic soreness and to accelerate the healing of wounds so you can get back in the game faster.

Eucalyptus Leaf Oil

What is Eucalyptus Leaf Oil?

Eucalyptus leaf oil is the natural essential oil of the eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus is native to Australia, but has become a popular medicinal and healing remedy worldwide. Research shows eucalyptus oil (which contains about 90% eucalyptol) is an effective antiseptic, insect repellent, and anti-inflammatory remedy.

Benefits of Eucalyptus Leaf Oil?

Eucalyptus leaf oil is a common household remedy, often used to clear congestion or ward off colds. But there are many health benefits of this versatile oil.

  • Relieves pain and inflammation.
    Due to its high eucalyptol content, eucalyptus leaf oil is highly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Studies show that using eucalyptus leaf oil can help relieve inflammatory painand postoperative pain. Other studies show that this oil has general analgesic properties, especially when applied topically to the skin to treat muscle and joint pain.
  • Supports respiratory health. 
    Eucalyptus leaf oil is featured in a wide range of natural products aimed at relieving the symptoms of colds, the flu, sinus infections, coughs, and even asthma. The oil has a powerful aromatic smell that acts as an expectorant, cutting through mucus and congestion. Studies show that it also has antimicrobial properties that help your body fight infection while also helping you breathe easier.
  • Helps improve chronic disease. 
    Studies show that eucalyptus leaf oil can help support and manage chronic diseases and autoimmune diseases. This is likely due to its systemic anti-inflammatory effects and ability to support the immune system.

What is Eucalyptus Leaf Oil Used For?

Eucalyptus leaf oil is found in different wellness and personal care products. It is a popular choice due to its invigorating scent and many health benefits.

Eucalyptus leaf oil is used in Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel to help stop pain from inflammation, reverse tissue damage, and support muscle and joint healing.

Helichrysum Flower Oil

What is Helichrysum Flower Oil?

Helichrysum is an ancient plant from southern Europe whose name in Latin translates as “immortal” or “everlasting.” The oil from this plant has been used medicinally for centuries in southern Europe and is famous for its spicy scent which makes it a popular ingredient in perfumes and self-care products.

Benefits of Helichrysum Flower Oil

  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory.
    When applied topically, helichrysum flower oil has been shown to reduce swelling and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. This is likely due to its high levels of inflammation-reducing flavonoids, acetophenones, and phloroglucinols. These anti-inflammatory effects make it a useful oil for treating pain, respiratory, and skin conditions.
  • Stimulates skin regeneration.
    Helichrysum Flower oil is widely used in cosmetic products as it has been proven to stimulate the regeneration of damaged skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Reduces burnout and exhaustion.
    2013 study showed that helichrysum flower oil, combined with other essential oils such as peppermint and basil, can lead to a reduction in fatigue and mental burnout.

What is Helichrysum Flower Oil Used For?

Helichrysum Flower oil is a popular component in a number of cosmetic anti-aging products, as well as a key ingredient in perfumes and fragrances with exotic, spicy notes.

Medically, its uses range from skin repair to pain relief. You can also find it in our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel where it helps combat post-workout inflammation and soreness.

Ginger Root Oil

What is Ginger Root Oil?

Ginger is used around the world as an aromatic, earthy spice and cooking ingredient. But ginger root is just as popular as a natural herbal medicinal in many traditional medical systems, like Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and Western herbalism. Ginger root oil is the extracted oil of the ginger rhizome that has many medicinal uses.

Benefits of Ginger Root Oil

  • Reduces inflammation 
    Ginger is considered an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant herb. A 2016 study showed that ginger root oil is a powerful remedy against inflammation-triggered pain conditions, especially joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis. The presence of compounds like gingerols, shogaol, and paradols may also help reduce cellular damage and protect against various cancers.
  • Alleviates muscle pain
    Because of ginger root oil’s ability to reduce inflammation and increase blood circulation, it is useful in reducing exercise-induced muscle pain and soreness. Studies show that ginger has a natural analgesic effect, likely due to its ability to inhibit pain-causing prostaglandins.
  • Supports healthy respiration
    Ginger root oil is considered an expectorant that can help ease respiratory issues like cough, sore throat, and asthma. Compounds in the ginger plant signal to the body to increase lubrication in the throat area which soothes irritation. This process also removes mucus from the throat and lungs and is a known remedy for colds, the flu, asthma, and shortness of breath.
  • Relieves nausea
    Ginger root is a common folk remedy for bellyaches. Studies show ginger is a safe and effective remedy for nausea due to morning sickness, postoperative nausea, chemotherapy-induced nausea, food poisoning, overeating, and general upset stomachs. 

What is Ginger Root Oil Used For?

Ginger root oil is a versatile essential oil with a wide range of uses from cooking and flavoring to aromatherapy and wellness. It can be consumed internally, diffused aromatically or applied topically, depending on the desired benefits. It is most commonly used to relieve muscle and joint pain, stop nausea, and improve respiratory health.

Ginger root oil is used as an active ingredient in our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel to help you overcome muscle soreness and joint pain. 

Pink Grapefruit Peel Oil

What is Pink Grapefruit Peel Oil?

Commonly used in aromatherapy, pink grapefruit peel oil is extracted by cold-pressing the rind of the pink grapefruit. Although the fruit is quite bitter, the scent of the peel has a sweet and pleasantly uplifting citrus aroma which is why it is popular in both the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries as a flavoring agent. Beyond its aroma, however, pink grapefruit oil offers many health benefits.

Benefits of Pink Grapefruit Peel Oil

  • Supports injury healing 
    Pink grapefruit peel oil has been found to be highly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Studies show it can help fight harmful inflammation in the body, specifically around injured or damaged areas.
  • Increases blood flow
    Pink grapefruit peel oil is composed of between 80-90% limonene – a compound that has been proven to expand blood vessels and stimulate blood flow. When applied topically, it can enhance healing and pain relief in that area.
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
    Citrus oils are well-known for their mood-brightening abilities, and pink grapefruit peel oil is no different. Some studies suggest that smelling this oil may help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and promote better, more balanced moods.
  • Helps suppress appetite
    Along with supporting tissue healing, pink grapefruit peel oil may help keep our waistlines in check. This oil has an abundance of a compound called D-Limonene, which is known as an appetite suppressant.

What is Pink Grapefruit Peel Oil Used For?

Pink grapefruit peel oil has been used for centuries for a range of medicinal and wellness applications. It is a well-known weight-loss aid and is often used as an ingredient in cosmetic or wellness products because of its distinctive, sweet citrus aroma.

We include pink grapefruit peel in our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel because it is a powerful natural way to reduce swelling and inflammation around injuries and aid recovery by stimulating blood flow when applied to an area that has been overworked or is causing pain. Its uplifting scent can also ease stress, tension, and competition anxiety. 

Juniper Berry Oil

What is Juniper Berry Oil?

Juniper Berry oil is a purifying essential oil known best for its antiseptic and detoxifying benefits. As the name suggests, it comes from the fruit and needles of the fragrant juniper tree. From an early antiseptic in medieval hospitals to Native American air-purifying incense, juniper berry oil has been used to protect against infections and bacteria across cultures and centuries. Now, research shows that juniper berry oil has natural health benefits for our modern age.

Benefits of Juniper Berry Oil

  • Reduces harmful inflammation 
    2017 study found that Juniper Berry oil is high in monoterpenes, compounds that act as natural anti-inflammatories. The study showed a significant reduction in swelling and inflammation when applied to the skin, over painful or injured areas.
  • Accelerates wound healing
    Because juniper berry has antiseptic properties, it can help speed up wound healing. Studies find that when applied to a sore area or wound with a carrier oil, juniper berry oil promotes faster wound healing and can reduce injury recovery time.
  • Calms the mind
    Juniper berry essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy for its ability to relax the mind and body. Studies show that those who are exposed to juniper berry oil report less anxiety and insomnia.

What is Juniper Berry Oil Used For?

Juniper Berry oil is widely used in both the cosmetics and healthcare industries. Its cleansing properties make it popular in skincare products, as well as being a popular ingredient in candles and diffusers where it is thought to purify the air.

Juniper berry oil also features in our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel. In this CBD gel, juniper berry oil helps reduce post-workout inflammation and stimulate faster tissue healing. 

Lemongrass Oil

What is Lemongrass Oil?

Lemongrass oil is the oil extracted from the leaves and stalks of the tropical lemongrass plant. This citrusy herb is used in both cooking and herbal medicine. From muscle pain to stress, lemongrass oil can help relieve a wide range of health concerns.

Benefits of Lemongrass Oil

  • Relaxes muscles and relieves pain
    Studies show that applying lemongrass oil (along with a carrier oil) topically to an area of soreness has proven to help relieve aches, cramps and muscle spasms. It also helps relieve pain by increasing circulation to injured areas and throughout the body.
  • Clears inflammation
    Chronic inflammation can slow the healing process and cause increased pain levels. Lemongrass, however, has been proven to act as both an anti-inflammatory and analgesicfor holistic pain relief.
  • Reduces stress
    Lemongrass oil’s unique scent has powerful anti-anxiety properties. Studies show that exposure to lemongrass oil in a high-stress situation decreases anxiety and tension.
  • Slows hair loss
    When applied to the scalp, Lemongrass oil has been shown to improve the health of hair follicles and reduce inflammation of the skin, proving to be a natural alternative to chemical-based hair loss treatments.

What is Lemongrass Used For?

Lemongrass oil is used around the world as a treasured culinary ingredient, as well as in fragrances, cosmetics, aromatherapy, and herbal medicines. Many people use lemongrass oil directly on the skin combined with a gentle carrier oil to promote overall skin health and well-being.

You’ll find lemongrass in our Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel to help soothe tired muscles, encourage healthy blood flow, and boost your athletic performance. 

  • Peppermint Oil
  • Pine Needle Oil
  • Ravensara Oil
  • Rosemary Leaf Oil
  • Spearmint Oil
  • Wild Oregano Oil
  • Glycerin
  • Witch Hazel Water
  • Organic Alcohol
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Carbomer

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