Competitive Cornhole: 3 Simple Tips to Improve Your Technique

Cornhole is much more than a backyard game. While the game seems simple, playing cornhole competitively takes a high degree of skill and strategy. You don’t want to just toss and pray. You want to win.

Whether you want to impress your friends or play your best in the next cornhole championship, a few technique tips will give you the competitive edge you need. Here are three of our top tips to improve your cornhole game and start winning more matches.

3 Tips to Improve Your Corn Hole Technique

1.  Mobilize your wrists.

Take your throwing technique from good to great by incorporating a subtle flick of the wrists. Like in many sports, using the wrist to power the bag forward gives you more refined control, as well as the ability to work in spin and swerve moves.

Start your practice session with wrist stretches to loosen up the joint. Practice exercises that build strength and power in the wrist, too, such as push ups and resistance band work.

2.  Perfect your throwing stance.

The question of whether to step into a throw or not to step is a big debate among competitive cornhole players. It all comes down to what feels most comfortable and repeatable to you.

For some, the step gives extra momentum and sets up the throw as one nice fluid motion. For others, the step adds more complexity – and therefore more potential for mistakes.

3.  Practice your “airmail” shots.

It’s easy enough to toss your bag towards the hole and count on it sliding in. But what happens when your opponent has “roadblocked” the entrance with their own bag? This is when it’s crucial to nail what cornhole pros call the “airmail” shot.

Basically, the
airmail is a toss that goes straight into the hole without touching or sliding on the board at all. Ideally, you can sink these shots in such a way that they avoid helping any rogue opponent bags into the hole as well.

To get a great airmail shot, you need lots of practice aiming directly for that hole. Over time this will create muscle memory that you can call upon in a pinch. But, that repetitive motion can create soreness and inflammation in the shoulder and wrist joints. Before putting hours into your airmail shot practice, lather on the
CBD gel to prevent pain later on.

Bonus Tip: Improve Your Cornhole Technique With CBD Gel

Cornhole is more than getting your bags in the hole. Even at an elite level, cornhole pros know they can’t rely on having perfect throws every time. Instead, high-performing players think about strategy and self-care.

CBD gel is an easy way to gain a competitive edge by caring for your body. Let’s face it – when you’re stiff, aching, or in pain, you can’t play at your best. Unstoppable CBD Sports Recovery Gel helps you keep pain and inflammation to a minimum so you can improve your technique and win more matches.

Shop Unstoppable Sports Recovery Gel today, or try a free sample!